An apology

I'm sorry I have switched to Tumblr. It's easier to update on there. So, yes I AM transferring ALL old secrets over to there. There will be NO more updates on this site.


Friday, May 29, 2009

937, Ohio

i met a boy in sanibel last summer. he made a sandcastle + put his full name on it, now we talk everyday. i prob. wont ever see him again, & im falling for him.

781, Massachusetts

My medicine has stopped working and now i'm becoming more and more depressed and tempermental. I don't know how much more I can take.

781, Massachusetts

No matter what you say, I still don't feel good enough. And I feel as though I never will be good enough.

719, Colorado

He's away at basic training and it'll be a month tomorrow since the last time I heard from him. I'm worried he doesn't want this anymore...

520, Arizona

I am like this man that I have seen in person for 48hrs! Now he's in Iraq and i'm scared we may not have the opportunity to fall in love!

702, Nevada

I just realized i want 2 stop eating. i cant stand the fact of being chubby. i weigh 130 lbs and want to weigh 85.

774, Massachusetts

i've never been more sick of someone in my life.

209, California

Yeah. Everyone's getting pretty fucking annoying these days.

781, Massachusetts

I think about it everyday. Its like it is my only option in life, the only think I get to choose, and that is; to end it.

559, California

Every time he says, "my ex..." i die more inside

Thursday, May 21, 2009

415, California

I arranged a 3some to make him happy and to prove im not like his last girlfriend. Now i feel confused

210, Texas

Today I realized that timing is everything and it may have just ruined my future.

210, Texas

My boyfriend think I've stopped all communication with my male best friend because he was jealous. The truth is I talk to him everyday and have fallen in love.

774, Massachusetts

Im losing my best friend but im too scared to talk to her about it

781, Massachusetts

I think I picked the wrong brother..

781, Massachusetts

I tried to kill myself twice my freshman year of high school. When my father left my family, I tried again. I don't feel anymore, because of you.

727, Florida

I submitted a secret to you a few days ago and it was posted. It was about me and my best friend. I showed her that post and she invited me to go out to dinner with her later I did now we are speaking again and this is the happiest I have been in a long time

781, Massachusetts

I've hurt him so bad... But he doesn't know.

781, Massachusetts

It really does hurt to let you go but honestly, it's better for my physical and mental well-being if you're out of my life.

781, Massachusetts

You seemed like a nice guy, and I honestly believed that.. Then you go and do this. Guess you're not that nice after all. P.s. You're real small. xD

781, Massachusetts

I've realized everything we had is broken like shattered glass.

781, Massachusetts

Don't be so surprized when I text you, although you hate me, I do still care about you alot. I don't want you back, not as my girlfriend. As my best friend.

727, Florida


Monday, May 04, 2009

781, Massachusetts

I love him, but I don't want to because I know eventually he'll leave and it'll be that much harder to let him go.

781, Massachusetts

I don't think your broken or damaged for what you told me of when we read this together. I think your a beautiful and great girl.

727, Florida

Hmph My best friend 6 months ago told somone she only hung out with me because she felt bad for me. I miss her more than any other person ever and yet I can't seem to let it go. I need to make the choice to forget her or let it go and I have never been so scared I'm going to make the wrong choice.

781, Massachusetts

I really want us to remain best friends forever. With you i feel so complete. I've never had a friend that took such good care of me. Thank you friend. Don't go.

513, Ohio

I had sex with him because i've known him since grade school and really trusted him... A month and a half later, he's back with his ex. This is the second time i've been used and i'm starting to feel like something is wrong with me.

936, Texas

She pisses me off so much. Its just sick when ur mom acts like she's ur age but then when she gets offended she wants to act like a she deserves respect

980, North Carolina

I'm self destructive. And suicidal. The pill arent helping.. And he's leaving me.

774, Massachusetts

liar liar.:)

815, Illinois

I told the lady i babysit for i couldnt come on sunday cuz i already had plans. But the truth is i just have been so depressed lately that i dont feel like me.

617, Massachusetts

I dont know who or what to belive any more.

832, Texas

I regret still letting him get to me from time to time.

774, Massachusetts

he could go to jail for statutory rape because i wanted to have sex with him so badly. she told the police and there's nothing we can do about it.

479, Arkansas

You tell me its inevitable, and sometimes i just wish it would happen already so you'd be out of my life and i could quit trying to help you.

518, New York

I'm too in love with my boyfriend i dont like it when he's anywhere but by my side. I'm too jealous and worried that he'll cheat on me. When i'm the one whos ch

936, Texas

It bothers me how I don't have any real friends. I'll never be the person I want to be. I'm too boring to be the person I want to be.

936, Texas

I can't help but worry about you cheating. It bothers me, I hate her. I hate how I cant trust you...i need 2 know what's going on.where have you been all night?

774, Massachusetts

i don't regret what i did but i wish my mother would speak to me.

732, New Jersey

I would just like to warn her boyfriend. I'm the ex. I don't want her back. Just watch out for the best friend. She tends to fall for them.

781, Massachusetts

I have an annoying tendency to fall in love with people who probably won't ever love me back.:'<

781, Massachusetts

I don't think you're broken. I think you grew from it. I think you'e grown and become so much better.

781, Massachusetts

I miss you whenever you're not near me, but do you feel the same way? Baby, I just need to hear those three words said in your voice.. That'll make me happy.

781, Massachusetts

I think about you almost all the time...

774, Massachusetts

i want to spend forever with my boyfriend. but if he keeps going at this rare, i'll be spending half of forever with him, and the other half of forever alone.

856, New Jersey

i finally realized i fell in love with who i thought you were... not what you were are.

503, Oregon

I like martin

661, California

She tells me not to worry but sometimes the paranoia combined with her comments just send me over the edge. I wish she were here already.

469, Texas

I want to do it again cause when I did first time, I stopped feeling. I stopped feeling the stress and pain. I felt perfect.

781, Massachusetts

I watched you sleep for hours. It was the best night of my life. You are gorgeous. I'm always thinking of you.

774, Massachusetts

This may make me seem like a slut which i'm not, but i wish my boyfriend was more sexual, and i don't know how to tell him that's what i want.