I'm sorry I have switched to Tumblr. http://textsecrets.tumblr.com/ It's easier to update on there. So, yes I AM transferring ALL old secrets over to there. There will be NO more updates on this site.
Text your secrets, fears, hopes, dreams, or anything you want to 7272778891. You can even text if you just need someone to talk to. I post every text I receive. It's free other than what you pay your provider. You number is completely safe. I erase them after posting. The secrets are written the exact way I received them. If you want to send something but don't want it posted put a * in the beginning and I won't post it.
Other Ways to Secret
THATBIRD@HOTMAIL.COM EMAIL RULES: 1.Make the subject MY SECRET and just your STATE, So I can still make the subjects the same style. 2.One secret per message please! I don't care if you email me 100 times a day, as long as there's one secret per email message. 3.Secrets can be in any form; text or picture format. If the picture is not your own and found somewhere other than Google please credit it <3
IAMANEWSCIENCE AIM RULES: 1.When messaging me let me know you're leaving a secret by putting your State before your secret. 2.Let me know if it's multiple secrets, so I can make them in separate posts.
Still feel free to text secrets also, I love getting them at random parts of the day! Also keep passing the site along. I'll update more often if I'm getting more texts.