An apology

I'm sorry I have switched to Tumblr. It's easier to update on there. So, yes I AM transferring ALL old secrets over to there. There will be NO more updates on this site.


Tuesday, March 31, 2009

781, Massachusetts

I have been so kind to you. And I've even called you my best friend but i feel like you just use me. You always push me around & try to change me. Thanx friend.

727, Florida

I'm scared i'll walk down the aisle with the wrong him because i'll be too afraid to do it with the right her.

774, Massachusetts

i'm terrified of my father. i hate him more than i could ever hate a human being. i hate this house, and how miserable it makes me.

501, Arkansas

I want to be her last first kiss.

781, Massachusetts

You told me you would save me from the abuse i endured. Instead, you joined in and just broke my heart even more.

781, Massachusetts

I'm terrified that anyone i get close to is just going to break my heart in the long run.

781, Massachusetts

I love you. Completely. Don't go, I care about you...

317, Indiana

I am in love with someone I have never met. I know everything about him, and someday, when we meet for the first time, we will fall in love and live our lives.

719, Colorado

I got a phone call from you from the hospital, I hung up as soon as I recognized your voice. I regret it now, because I'm worried you were in an accident.

774, Massachusetts

i was supposed to transfer high schools on monday. i chickened out because my boyfriend told me how much he loved me. i hate myself for wanting to leave.

815, Illinois

Even though she doesn't know it she saved my life... But by doing so i feel more trapped than ever. I cant ever leave her but i want to die so bad.

706, Georgia

I would rather be with him so we could struggle to make a living, than have us both better off when we're not together. Fate pisses me off sometimes. -T.

980, North Carolina

Thd test came up negative. I wish it hadn't. He wants a kid, and wants to wait till i'm 18.. I feel crazy for wanting that now.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

AIM, New York

Yesterday was the opening to my musical. My boyfriend dumped me during intermission.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

408, California

i don't know if i can do this, but i'm going to try. for you. because i love you enough to let go, because i love you enough to just want you to be happy.

617, Massachusetts

Im going to junior prom and ill be wearing a dress for the first time in years. That nights gonna suck because you wont be there to see me... And youre the one im dressing up for.

307, Wyoming

A part of me resents my mother for raising me to believe you should be in love with the person you have sex with the first time. Maybe then i could stop hurting

954, Florida

Im angry at God for not letting me kill myself by giving me people to care about.

408, California

i could apologize 1000 times and still never get it right...

408, California

i'm not giving up.

574, Indiana

all i want is true love. but i won't let it show. i'm scared i'll never find it &+ i'll die alone.

774, Massachusetts

i have so much to say to you and absolutely no way of saying it properly. i knew you would do this to him.

318, Louisiana

Im beginning to realize i have absolutely no concern for the future. Im living in the moment, and i don't think life could be much better.

719, Colorado

I feel more comfortable with the guy I'm cheating with than my actual boyfriend. I couldn't fall asleep naked with my boyfriend, but with him it's effortless.

617, Massachusetts

I hate that your ex girlfriend is still a big part of your life.

618, Illinois

I've tricked someone into loving the real me.

718, New York

i always feel my happiest alone in the dark, with my laptop with me listening to casiotone for the painfully alone? hoping that someone would enjoy doing that with me... i know these messages are bipolar but as of right now i'm very content with how my life is going (: & i'm going to enjoy my saturday night to its fullest!

503, Oregon

If i this wasn't the last month of the term and i couldn't sell my books back for money, i think i would seriously hurt myself, just to get someone to care.

EMAIL, Pennsylvania

one day I'm going to make it big in this world, and I'll look back on all the people who said I could never do it hoping that they are as miserable as they used to make me.

AIM, New York

My friend just threatened to confront me about my eating disorder in school. It wasn't even addressed to me, it was just posted in a forum....How could she even think about doing that?

Saturday, March 07, 2009

631, New York

I love that my friends seek me out when they have a problem, and I love helping them and making them feel better. I just wish they could feel the same.

913, Kansas

I am more scared that i won't be able to have kids than i am that i may have cancer. And i'm only 19.

856, New Jersey

If it comes down to a choice between being vulnerable and sensitive and emotional, then you can just keep your love.

408, California

Secret: I just need him back. I don't know how long I can live with this pain and regret. It's all my fault...

EMAIL, Oregon

Because of current issues, I'm honestly considering selling the 12 vicodin that I have left from my persciption last month and taking money for sex. I'm not quite sure that my friends would still want to be my friends though. But that's ok.

EMAIL, Oregon

I would quit my job, right now, but I can't, not until I'm able to get a sizable paycheck. I swear. The next time my check is more than $200, I'll quit.

EMAIL, Unknown

I was going to apply for a job today but he made me feel so bad that I am not able to do that. I'm not able to write down positive things about me. I'm all bad, right?

AIM, New York

My sister reminds me everyday that she is prettier than me. I know it's true, and at times I hate her for it.

Friday, March 06, 2009

EMAIL, Georgia

I've made a promise to myself that I will, for at least the next 2 weeks, go without punching the wall and messing up my knuckle even more than I already have. I think if I can go two week, I can keep going with it. I'll find another (less harmful) way of relieving my stress and frustration. I really hope I can do this.

EMAIL, Unknown

I never feel like i'm good enough to be around my friends. I'm constantly beating myself up about the things i say and do. I don't know whats wrong with me.

760, Califonia

i know hes bad for me but i still wanna run to him and be held

651, Minnesota

I promised myself that i would never let anyone love me because i don't deserve to be loved. I just end up making things hard anyway.

732, New Jersey

Sometimes I hate your father enough for the both of us. I can take care of you just well as any boy and I plan to. I don't care if he hates me or not;I'm go

774, Massachusetts

I'm going out with my boyfriend to make him happy. I'm not falling in love with him, and i dont think i can

980, North Carolina

Secret: I hate myself more and more everyday. He only helps me despise myself more.

502, Kentucky

I am going to marry him because i know no one else will love me as much as he does... I just wish i felt the same way about him.

617, Massachusetts

I feel that you dont want to tell me everything about you, and I hate it because I feel left out.

304, West Virginia

My secret: i always want what i can't have and when i get it i don't want it anymore.

718, New York

i'm in love with someone very much, and i know he loves me back, but sometimes i think he has more fun playing games with my head rather then tell me how he feels... and when he does this is when i think about my ex and the heartbreak just keeps reliving like broken record..7

412, Pennsylvania

I can't let myself fall for him because he's younger than me and he's ugly. I feel absolutely horrible about it.

330, Ohio

Almost 3 months ago you posted my secret. I finally told him that I loved him and now we're back together and planning our future. I couldn't be happier.

Thank you so much for offering this to people. Seeing my secret on your site made me realize that I just needed to tell him and not be afraid. Thank you.

NOTE FROM ME: You are so welcome love. I am really glad it worked out for you. Good luck in your relationship! Text me anytime sweetie <3

541, Oregon

Dear god im losing my mind. more sedatives

347, New York

Im in love and I think he loves me back. I know he does. And its stupid cause we're 19...but something tells me he's the real deal. How immature of me. Sigh.

719, Colorado

Getting over you is harder than it proved to be. I figured you wouldn't even bother responding to my valentines day text, but you did. And now my heart is fucked because I can't stop thinking about you. And how much I really do miss you.

515, Iowa

he wont hold me close, yet he won't let me free

425, Washington

My old school counselor felt more like a mom than my own and I hate myself for feeling that way

774, Massachusetts

i think my boyfriend still loves his ex. and it's eating me up inside.